4644 Clark Avenue - Long Beach, California 90808
June 23-27, 2025 from 8:30AM to NOON
FREE for Ages 3 yrs. old (must be potty-trained) through entering Grade 6
Child Registration opens on April 13th!
Volunteers for those entering 7th grade through Adults Needed!
IMPORTANT...The VBS Program runs 8:30AM to Noon June 23-27; but we ask for volunteers to arrive by 8:00AM each day. Coffee & treats will be available every morning.
VBS Staff Training...
- We have two dates for you to choose from for In-Person Training Dates: Tuesday, May 20 from 5:30-6:30PM and Wednesday, May 28 from 5:30-6:30PM in the Youth Room.
- If you are 18 years or younger, you need to make every effort to attend In-Person Training!
- If you are unable to make the In-Person Training, there will be an online training option for ALL roles.
VBS WORKDAY & SET-UP...mark your calendars for Saturday, June 21 from 9:00AM to 1:00pm to help decorate and set up for our VBS week! More hands make for lighter work. We could really use your help.
VBS Volunteer Staff Commissioning...is on Sunday, June 22 at each of the morning services on Bethany's campus. The commissioning will happen at the beginning of the service. Volunteers will be invited forward at whichever service they plan to attend.
Click HERE to Volunteer for VBS!
The Amazon Wish List of Supplies needed to put on Bethany's VBS will be coming out Sunday, May 4th.
*Check back for a link to this important wish list.*
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Would you like to help our VBS by making an offering
If you would like to still make a donation to either our Mission Offering or Materials Offering...
- A Material Offering will be used to offset the cost of running VBS which is in the ballpark of $5000.
- Our Mission Offering recipient for this year is still to be determined.
- These are voluntary offerings, of course, and any amount is appreciated.
Click HERE to go to our online giving page
*Click on the GIVE ONLINE button and then under FUND, choose "VBS Material Donation" or "VBS Mission Offering". THANK YOU!*
Kayleigh Lopez, DCE ( ) or call her at (309) 397-6583.
Disclaimer: Bethany Lutheran Church will continue to follow all current health guidelines set forth by City of Long Beach, the County of Los Angeles and the State of California.