Joining Jesus on His Mission


Joining Jesus on His Mission

The Lenten Season is all about a journey.  During this season we accompany Jesus “on His mission” to redeem the world as He lives a perfect life in the place of all and offers Himself as a perfect sacrifice for the sins of the world.  The Easter season that follows allows us to accompany the disciples to the empty tomb and then join them on “Jesus’ Mission” to share the good news of the Risen Lord.   

This study is based on the book Joining Jesus On His Mission by Pastor Greg Finke. Pastor Finke writes, “The key to joining Jesus’ mission is realizing we don’t have to find a way to come out of our hectic lifestyle in order to have a missional life. Our hectic life is our missional life.” 

This online study is designed for you to go at your own pace as you join Jesus on His mission.  Each session there will be some reading to do in the book, then watching a short video about the topics addressed in the reading and then some guided reaction to help you plot the journey.   

If you wish to have some face-to-face interaction with others on this journey, you are invited to join a book discussion taking place on Sunday mornings at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Cypress.  Each week at 10 AM there will be a time of reading a chapter and reacting to the content.  Please note that the group at Holy Cross may be at a different place in the book as you are.   

 Along the way, the combined ministry team of Bethany and Holy Cross will record some roundtable discussions about the topics found in the book and answer some questions you have.  

   The best way to purchase your copy of Rev. Greg Finke’s book, who was a classmate of Pastor Kevin from Concordia Seminary St. Louis, is on  Here's the Amazon link.

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