

Communion Camp

Saturday, March 11, 2023, 8:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Location: Bethany Lutheran Church, 4644 Clark Ave., Long Beach, CA US 90808

Group: Church

Download: Download Event


It is that time of year again! A time to be Gathered, Connected and Sent as we dive deeply into God’s Word as a community, to learn about the amazing and beautiful gifts of God’s goodness through Communion. We are prayerfully looking forward to spending this time with you and your family.

Saturday, March 11th - Communion Camp   

  • Bethany Lutheran Church will be holding a Communion Camp on Saturday, March 11th on Bethany’s campus from 8:30a.m.-11:00a.m. This Communion Camp is being offered to youth in 5th-8th grade. We ask that at least one parent or guardian attends this camp with their child(ren) as a way of encouraging spiritual formation through household connections, communication and huddles.
  • During this Communion Camp, you and your child(ren) will learn about the depth and history connected to the Lord’s Supper, experience together the truths of Scripture as it pertains to blessings received through Holy Communion and connect with the body of believers through the salvation found in the blood of Christ. 

March 12th - April 5th - Household Huddles  

  • Each family will be given a small packet containing a few short activities and questions revolving around the lessons learned at Communion Camp. These activities and questions are designed to be used inside a household setting to encourage faith conversations. Household Huddles can happen at the dinner table, before bed, with neighbors or family friends. Who do you live life with, who is part of your household? We invite you to share with them the truths learned from camp.
  • Each family is encouraged to do the Household Huddles between Communion Camp and the Maundy Thursday as a way of connecting deeply with one another and sharing in the beauty of the Lord’s Supper. 

Thursday, April 6th - Maundy Thursday Wrap-up

  • We will gather together on Maundy Thursday at 5:00p.m. in the Parish Lounge for a pizza dinner and a group wrap-up event. Together, we will review the importance of partaking in the Lord Supper and share the lessons learned in our Household Huddles. At the end of our time together, there will be an opportunity for those who have taken Communion instruction to receive communion with their families and peers.

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We are blessed to utilize this time together as we are Gathered, Connected, and Sent through Word and Sacrament.  If you are able to attend our Communion Camp, please register below. This will help as we plan and prepare for supplies and food.

In Christ,  Kayleigh Lopez, DCE -  

*Please Register NO LATER than Monday, March 6th.* - Use this Link to Register:

© 2025 Bethany Lutheran School   |   5100 Arbor Rd, Long Beach, CA US 90808