

Sign Up for Fall Women's Study - Unfailing: God's Assurance for Times of Change

Every Sunday, from 07/28/2024 to 08/25/2024, 12:00 AM

Location: Bethany Lutheran Church, 4644 Clark Ave., Long Beach, CA US 90808

Group: Church

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New Women’s Bible Study Group Starting this Fall at Bethany:



Unfailing: God’s Assurance for Times of Change By Christopher M. Kennedy

“Change is difficult to understand and even harder to navigate. As the world seems to spin faster every day, how can you adjust and adapt to a society that seems to pull further from God with each passing day? Adapting to the change and moving forward is stressful and confusing. Find peace and clarity in Samuel's story, seeing how he followed God's guidance through all the seemingly unclear changes. He followed God's plans for his life and found the beauty of putting everything in His hands. Study the prophet Samuel and the tumultuous changes he endured to see how you can trust God to guide you through change. Through personal reflections, devotional questions, room for notes, and a guide for small groups, you can tackle the uncomfortable reality of change. Take hope in the promise that His Son has conquered all for you and that His plan is always going exactly to Hi s specifications. When you look at Jesus and God's Word, you will find everything you need to help you through loss and transition.” (excerpt ©CPH 2024)

Facilitated by Mara Widmann and Sheri Esswein  

  • To sign up, or if you have questions about this study, please find us at a table in Friendship Square beginning July 28.
  • Space is limited, so sign up early! 
  • Study books can be purchased online at: Concordia Publishing House, Amazon, or Barnes and Noble.
  • Meeting on Sundays after the 9:30AM service from 10:45AM to 12:00PM in the Library Room 105. 
  • We begin September 15th and look forward to walking alongside you on this faith journey.

~Sheri and Mara

© 2024 Bethany Lutheran Church   |   4644 Clark Ave., Long Beach, CA US 90808