

Music Ministry Sign-Up Days

Every Sunday from 08/18/2024 to 08/25/2024

Location: Bethany Lutheran Church, 4644 Clark Ave., Long Beach, CA US 90808

Group: Church

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Music Ministry Sign Up Days!   

We are gearing up for a new year of praising our Lord in Word and song! Whether you’re a returning musician, join the music ministry for the first time, or would like to find out more information, we invite you to check out the Bethany Lutheran Music Ministry sign-up tables on Sunday, August 18 and 25. There’s always room for more singers, ringers, soloists, and instrumentalists. if you have any questions about the music ministry at Bethany Lutheran Church & Schools, please contact Noah Freeman, Director of Music Ministries & Worship Arts at or Music Ministries Assistant, Mara Widmann at (or talk to us in person at church) Soli Deo Gloria! To God alone be the glory.

© 2024 Bethany Lutheran Church   |   4644 Clark Ave., Long Beach, CA US 90808