Every Wednesday, from 02/14/2024 to 03/20/2024, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
When it seems as though your life has burned down, are you left beyond hope with nothing but a heap of ashes? Join us for midweek worship during Lent as we discover how Jesus raises you “From the Ashes,” to new life through his life, death, and resurrection. Wednesdays @ 12:00pm at Holy Cross (in Cypress) and 6:30pm at Bethany.
February 14 - Ash Wednesday - “From the Ashes” - John 11:25-26
February 21 - “Temptation & Worship” - Matthew 4:1-11
February 28 - “Humility & Serving” - John 13:1-11
March 6 - “Submission & Purity” - James 4:8
March 13 - “Confession & Forgiveness” - Joel 2:12-13
March 20 - “Sacrifice & Security” - Hebrew 9:11-14